Real Estate Success

How do you measure success in real estate?  Some measure gross income, net income, number of units sold per year, how busy you are and recognition awards.  Although there is validity to some of these yardsticks, I have always seen things differently.

 I believe success in real estate is measured in the number and length of the friendships you make along the way.  When you have worked closely with your customers and have truly given your time and energy, always putting your customer first; it is logical that a close friendship may develop.  Sometimes you gain a new fishing buddy, sometimes our families go out for dinner together, sometimes a boating day, but making new friends from real estate is truly rewarding. 

 Recently, I was invited to travel to South Africa for a photo safari with not one, but two couples; each customers and friends.  I worked with Eric and Susan for five years prior to their retirement from their northern jobs.  They finally retired and moved to their waterfront home with a boat dock here is South Florida.  They have lived in the home for an additional five years.  This ten-year friendship began with an introduction from Harry and Joanne who purchased a home from me and asked me to assist their best friends in also finding a home. Their disclaimer was that Eric and Susan were just looking and not going to retire for a few years.

 Well fast forward and I found myself riding in an open jeep on a photo safari in South Africa with two couples, both of which are lifelong friends.  It wasn’t until I returned when I remembered they were both customers as well and we met though our real estate relationship. 

 The experiences we shared in South Africa were incredible. We found ourselves face to face with lions, white rhinos, giraffes, chetahs, and a little too close to a bull elephant!  The experience grew our appreciation for nature, our friendships and we forged new friendships while in South Africa.  I have included a video of some of the wonders of nature we experienced in South Africa.

I would be honored to assist you in finding your perfect home or selling your home.  Call Wayne Welsh with Gulf Shores Realty at 941-234-6070.

Posted by Wayne Welsh on


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